Still no sign of the three women from Texas who dissappeared in Nuevo León two weeks ago


Two American sisters and a friend remain missing more than two weeks after they left the border town of Peñitas, Texas, late last month to sell clothes at a flea market in Mexico less than three hours away, according to U.S. authorities. Save for the FBI and Mexican officials actively searching for the women, law enforcement personnel have been tight-lipped about the investigation.

Their disappearance comes on the heels of an ordeal caught on video earlier this month, in which four other Americans were kidnapped by a drug cartel in the border city of Matamoros, and two of them were killed. But that case was resolved in a matter of days.

Now, with no signs of the three women, since they left on Feb. 24, many are fearing the worst. Family members have joined the FBI and Mexican authorities in the search across the border, according to police.

“Their family members are in Mexico currently looking for them, and at the same time you have the Mexican agencies there, who are also investigating to determine where they’re at and what happened to them,” Peñitas Police investigator Oscar Barron told the local press in the U.S.

Source: TV Azteca

Monterrey Daily Post