Yucatan Secretary of Tourism openly supports equal marriage, says its approval would benefit tourism


Mérida, Yucatán (February 27th, 2021).- The Yucatan Secretary of Tourism Development Secretariat (Sefotur), Michelle Fridman Hirsch, revealed that she openly supports the approval of equal marriage in Yucatán; and added that same-sex marriages would leave a greater economic spill and would benefit the industry of catering and organization of social events, especially weddings, in Yucatan.

Fridman Hirsch has posted on Instagram many photographs with her sentimental partner (Photo: Instagram)

In the framework of her appearance before legislators as part of the analysis of the gloss of the Second Government Report of the Executive Branch, the state official spoke openly of the positive indicators that LGBTQ + tourism shows in various parts of the world.

Representative Milagros Romero Bastarrachea recalled that the State Congress has twice voted against equal marriage and that there is a niche in the tourist market that sees the peninsula “with very good eyes” to carry out this type of ceremony.

In this sense, the legislator asked, what is the estimate of events of this type that could take place if marriage between people of the same sex will be approved, or otherwise, how much has been left to perceive.

Secretary of Tourism Development Secretariat (Sefotur), Michelle Fridman Hirsch

Greater economic benefit

Fridman Hirsch, who has openly been in favor of the rights of sexual diversity, said that although it was a subject outside the analysis of the gloss, it seemed important to highlight the trends and indicators of the World Travel and Tourism Council on the matter.

He specified that such an organization considers that 10% of the tourist offer is in the LBGTQ + segment.

He also argued that, in tourism terms, the LGBTQ + community is one of the sectors that generate the most expenses; They belong to the group called DINK (Double Income No Kids) which in Spanish refers to couples with a double source of income and no children.

He also declared that it is a segment that represents a lot of economic income; In addition, it is well received by many destinations in the world, such as Vancouver, Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, and Cancun.

“This approval (that of equal marriage) would support the LGBT segment and the segment of weddings severely hit by the pandemic, in order to be able to receive this type of ceremonies also in our State,” he commented in front of the legislators of all the parties.

Fridman Hirsch with oher openly gay friends (Photo: Informa Yuca)

Supreme Court analyzes the injunction
It should be noted that it issued its statement while the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) was analyzing an injunction that may order the State Congress to vote again in favor of the initiative; since rejecting it is considered an act that goes against the Political Constitution of Mexico.

Source: SIPSE

The Yucatan Post