The governor-elect attended as a special guest the report of Senator Armando Guadiana, he also attended the inauguration of Samuel García as the new governor of Nuevo León
Sinaloa.- The governor-elect of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya, attended this Sunday morning the Third Report of Legislative Activities of the Morena senator Armando Guadiana Tijerina, who highlighted the impulse that is given from the Senate to the USMCA Train project and the great interest of the next governor of Sinaloa for this investment in logistics infrastructure.
“ I think it is a very important project, which we already commented to Governor Rubén Rocha, who is the most interested. He said: ‘I am the most interested in this and this is how it will be done ‘.
It is a project that is the USMCA Train, the transversal axis that will join Mazatlán, passing through Durango, going up to Coahuila through Sierra Mojada, Monclova, Frontera, to reach Piedras Negras, through Texas and reach Winnipeg, Canada ”, He said in his report from the Auditorium of the Ateneo Fuente, in Saltillo.
Guadiana Tijerina explained that around 3.9 billion dollars will be invested in the project and that in addition to the train, it includes the construction of a large port north of Mazatlán to relieve the saturation of ships waiting their turn to unload goods in the bay of Long Beach, California, works that will contribute to the development of Sinaloa, Durango, and Coahuila.

For his part, Rocha Moya expressed his congratulations and recognition to the legislature, yes, as he alluded to, he is a great representative of Coahuila. “Congratulations, my friend Senator Armando Guadiana for your Third Report on Legislative Activities, it has been an honor to accompany you.
Coahuila has a great representative, I recognize your outstanding work in the Mexican Senate ”, he highlighted.
The report was also attended by the president of the Senate Political Coordination Board, Ricardo Monreal Ávila; Senator Eduardo Ramírez; Senator José Narro Céspedes, among other legislators; as well as the governors of Zacatecas, David Monreal Ávila; and from Baja California Sur, Víctor Castro Cosío.
After attending the legislative report, Rubén Rocha Moya attended the inauguration ceremony of Samuel García Sepúlveda as governor of Nuevo León in the afternoon as a special guest, who during his speech thanked the governor-elect for his presence.
” To my good friend when we were senators, Senator Rocha de Sinaloa, great debates, a great senator in education, thank you very much for joining us ,” said Samuel García.