Nuevo León, with high internal migration and also among the entities that are gaining population


The National Demographic Dynamics Survey (Enadid) 2023, from Inegi, revealed that interstate migration in Mexico remains at similar levels to those of 2018, with 3% of the population changing entity in the last five years.

On the topic of real migration in Mexico, very similar levels of interstate migration continue to be observed, that is, those people who indicated that, five years before when they were surveyed for the National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (Enadid) 2023, they lived In an entity other than the one they were in at that time, it was 3%, while in Enadid in 2018, it was 2.9 percent.

“We see some differences by federal entity. The states with the highest internal migration stand out: Baja California Sur, Quintana Roo, Baja California, as well as northern states, such as Coahuila, Nuevo León or even the Pacific such as Nayarit and Colima,” indicated Mauricio Rodríguez Abreu, general director of Sociodemographic Statistics (MRA), from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

“This allows us to estimate the migration balance, that is, when we obtain the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of migrants, of which entities are gaining population, with a positive net migration balance. They would be: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Quintana Roo, Nuevo León and Nayarit.”

On the contrary, the states that would be losing population, that is, where there is more population leaving, are: Mexico City, Zacatecas, Tabasco and Guerrero, Rodríguez Abreu noted.

International migration

When the survey focuses on international migration, the place of birth of the population that indicates not having been born in the country can be identified. “We observed a reduction in the percentage of people who indicated they were born in the United States, going from 74% to 68%, and an increase among those people born between Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia and the rest of the countries, the percentage is maintained. of around 18% of these immigrants.”

In the survey of people who lived in Mexico five years ago and who left the country between 2018 and 2023, the main destination continues to be the United States, with 88%, but there are also important percentages and increases towards Canada, and Spain and Germany with small reductions, as well as reductions towards other parts of the world.

He explained that the United States and Canada have increasingly concentrated the flows of migrants from Mexico.

However, 40.6% of the people who emigrated to the United States in the aforementioned period did not have or indicated that they did not have any document that would allow them to enter the American Union.

What are the reasons to migrate?

“The main reasons are work-related, they represent 82.4% of the reasons people point out for leaving the country. Mainly to look for work, also for change or a job offer, and we can mention those that say ‘I’m going to join my family who emigrated before me’, or ‘I’m going to study’ or because ‘I got married and left to live with my partner’. The main reason is to look for or change jobs,” stressed the general director of Sociodemographic Statistics of Inegi.

Inegi has carried out the Enadid five-year survey since 2009 and it has been considered information of national interest since 2014.

In the survey carried out in 2023, 119,537 homes were visited, which allows the user public to get closer to the trends that shape the growth, structure, and distribution of the population.

The Enadid, with data collected from 119,537 households, provides a detailed vision of migratory and demographic trends in Mexico, covering aspects such as fertility, mortality and distribution of the population, indigenous population, internal migration, international migration, infant mortality, and the number of inhabitants of Mexico, which in 2023 was 129.5 million people: 51.7% were women and 48.3% were men.

Source: El Economista