Woman dies after falling from the 14th floor of a hotel in Monterrey, Nuevo León

Photo.- postamexico.com/

On Sunday, March 24, a woman, a guest at the Galería Plaza Hotel in Monterrey, died after falling from the 14th floor. She was wearing pajamas and it is estimated that she was 25 to 30 years old.

MONTERREY, Nuevo León.- A woman died after falling from the 14th floor of the emergency stairs of the Hotel Galería Plaza Monterrey early this Sunday, March 24, which caused an intense mobilization by the authorities.

The incident occurred at the hotel located on Constitución Avenue and Rayón Street in the Centro neighborhood, where elements of the Civil Protection of Nuevo León arrived, who confirmed the death of the woman, who was not identified and was wearing only underwear.

According to information from hotel security personnel, the woman who was a guest entered the emergency stairs and once inside opened another door that connects to a space that is used for maintenance of the elevators and fell all the way down to the basement.

Ministerial agents arrived at the scene to conduct the corresponding investigations to clarify the facts. The woman’s body was taken to the Forensic Medical Service SEMEFO.

Source.- A la orden NL

Monterrey Daily Post