Trans deputy proposes regulation of sex work


The trans deputy María Clemente will present an initiative on sex work.

Transgender deputy María Clemente García will present an initiative to make sex work a legal activity.

The proposal found in the Gazette of the Chamber of Deputies establishes that sex work is the activity that is carried out on public roads, in a commercial establishment, or by digital means in a free, voluntary, autonomous, consented manner and without coercion between people over 18 years of age through the performance of sexual, erotic and/or escort services in exchange for economic or in-kind payment.

This modifies the Federal Labor Law to also establish that sex workers have the right not to be discriminated against for their work activity and will have access to health services for comprehensive and free care when they do not have social security.

It is mentioned that sex work must be carried out in hygienic conditions sufficient to guarantee avoiding contracting diseases or infections derived from sex work.

“Both sex workers and sexual users are mutually obligated to avoid risks of contagion of diseases or infections while performing sex work. Failure to comply with this provision will give rise to civil or criminal liabilities that any of the parties may incur, ”says the initiative of the deputy for Morena.

In the explanatory statement of the initiative, deputy María Clemente García mentions that it is important to distinguish sex work from human trafficking in its form of sexual exploitation: the former is carried out by autonomous, dignified people with rights; It contemplates various variants and types of activities, which can be carried out on public roads, in a commercial establishment or even via the Internet.

For its part, trafficking in persons is a crime defined by the General Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Crimes in the Matter of Trafficking in Persons and for the Protection and Assistance of Victims of these Crimes, as “any willful act or omission of one or more persons to recruit, engage, transport, transfer, retain, receive or house one or more persons for the purpose of exploitation”.

“The use of people’s bodies without their consent, under pressure or threat, is a violent manifestation of discrimination,” he adds about trafficking.

The proposal comes after deputy María Clemente García published pornographic videos on her social networks in recent days, which she justified as part of the sex work she does, which generated controversy.

Mexico Daily Post