There is no longer a red traffic light due to COVID in Mexico, and Campeche turns green due to the low risk of contagion


Just a month ago there were 13 states with a red traffic light, but now, once the infections due to the Christmas holidays are over, the whole country is left without entities at the maximum level of contagion by COVID-19.

The best thing is that more than half of the states are at medium risk of contagion, with the color yellow.

The states in orange are:

  1. Nuevo León
  2. San Luis Potosí
  3. Querétaro
  4. Puebla
  5. Estado de México
  6. Ciudad de México
  7. Morelos
  8. Oaxaca
  9. Tabasco
  10. Yucatán
2021 02 26 19 11 41 Conferencia De Prensa Covid19 26 De Febrero De 2021 Graciasporcuidarnos Yo

Meanwhile the states in yellow are:

  1. Baja California
  2. Baja California Sur
  3. Sonora
  4. Coahuila
  5. Campeche
  6. Tamaulipas
  7. Sinaloa
  8. Durango
  9. Zacatecas
  10. Veracruz
  11. Quintana Roo
  12. Hidalgo
  13. Guanajuato
  14. Tlaxcala
  15. Nayarit
  16. Michoacán
  17. Aguascalientes
  18. Colima
  19. Jalisco
  20. Guerrero

Finally, the states in green are Chiapas and Campeche , where the latter has managed to descend again to the minimum risk of contagion. At the conference where the new epidemiological traffic light was made official, it was said that this does not amount to zero risk, since the virus continues to spread even in entities with a green traffic light.

The new epidemiological traffic light is effective as of March 1. In the same conference, it was specified that there are only two entities left with a hospital occupancy level between 50% and 70%, which are Puebla and Mexico City. The average national occupancy is 30%.


Mexico Daily Post