Stray dogs decrease in San Cristóbal de Las Casas


Thanks to the sterilization campaigns carried out by the animal protection associations and the authorities, it has decreased.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas.- The veterinary doctor, pioneer of the Municipal Canine Control Center, Luis Alberto García, calculated that in this city there are about 6 thousand stray dogs, and there could be more, but thanks to the sterilization campaigns they have carried out the animal protection associations and the authorities has been diminished.

Felix Beds

“Currently it is necessary to create awareness in people so that they have more responsibility with their pets and thus avoid the abandonment of more cats and dogs on public roads, which although they have a poor quality of life when abandoned also means a health problem public for society, since they are carriers of diseases such as rabies. “

Likewise, he said that a constant vaccination and sterilization plan is maintained, but he insisted on creating awareness for the care of pets “and being a responsible owner, that has to do with prevention, making a reproduction control both in dogs and cats “.

“It is a control so that secondary effects do not continue to reproduce, in the same pets as cancer due to excessive riding that could be generated by uncontrolled reproduction or communicable diseases, the most common are transmissible venereal tumors in dogs”.


San Cristobal Post