Where do you feel safest in Nuevo León? Inegi has the answers


The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) revealed on Thursday the municipalities of Nuevo León in which the population feels more or less safe, highlighting that one of them was the best evaluated at the national level.

The municipality of San Pedro Garza García was again placed, according to the National Survey of Urban Public Security (ENSU) of Inegi, in first place with the lowest perception of insecurity, with 14%.

According to the December data from Inegi, San Pedro experienced a decline of three tenths, but it is still the best evaluated in the country and the only municipality in Nuevo León that stands out among the first five.

Also notable for their good perception of security are San Nicolás de los Garza, with 28.6%, the same figure as three months ago, and Apodaca, which improved compared to September, going from 42.4% to 33.4%.

Monterrey has a 69.2% perception of insecurity, compared to the 59.9 registered three months ago. On the other hand, there was an increase in Guadalupe, which went from 47.3% to 50.4%, and Escobedo reached 47.9% and Santa Catarina 46.9%.

What does the Government of Nuevo León say?

Through a press release, the state government indicated that, in the metropolitan area, only 41.4% of the population feels unsafe, that is, 20 percentage points below the national average, which is 61.7%.

In addition, it noted that the perception of insecurity has remained stable in the municipalities of Nuevo León, according to data from the same National Survey of Urban Public Security of Inegi, published this Thursday.

In the last three quarters, the average perception of insecurity in the metropolis has decreased by more than 10 percentage points, the state information added.

“According to the survey, in March 2024, an average of 47.2% of the inhabitants of the municipalities felt unsafe. In June 2024, that figure dropped to 43.5%, and in September 2024, it dropped even further, reaching 41.1%,” he explained.

The government pointed out that in this quarter’s evaluation, five of the municipalities did not present significant changes, while Monterrey registered an increase of just over 9 points in the perception of insecurity, and Apodaca experienced a similar improvement.

“Fuerza Civil Nuevo León remained in second place nationally as the best-evaluated state police force, both in trust and in perception of effectiveness. According to Fuerza Civil, this reflects an effective strategy to combat crime inside and outside the metropolitan area, working in a coordinated manner with the municipalities and the Federation,” he concluded.

On the other hand, statistics from the state Attorney General’s Office indicate that 1,596 homicides were recorded in 2024, compared to more than 60 that have already occurred in January 2025.

Source: lasillarota