What is the price of gasoline in Nuevo Leon on October 25?


This is the price of gasoline, diesel and diesel in Nuevo León as of October 25, according to information from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco).

The cost of fuel changes every day, so it is vital to stay up to date on its price so that it does not take you by surprise.

How much does gasoline cost today?

Average price of regular gasoline per liter: 24,547 pesos.

Average price of premium gasoline per liter: 26,822 pesos.

Average price of diesel per liter: 25,712 pesos.

Prices reported by online permit holders in accordance with the obligation established in Agreement No. A/041/2018 of the Energy Regulatory Commission.

The factors that define the price of gasoline
The price of gasoline can vary in Mexico due to a variety of factors such as reference costs, taxes and logistics.

The reference cost is based on international oil prices, since it is quoted in dollars at a global level, therefore, the average value of gasoline is modified with respect to the exchange rate of the dollar and the peso.

During the first months of the covid-19 pandemic, the influence of international oil prices on fuels was evident when the hydrocarbon decreased to reach historical figures, which caused gasoline to register very low costs, until the “black gold” stabilized and with it the value of its derivatives.

The same thing happened, but in an opposite case, during the first half of 2022, when international oil prices skyrocketed and with it the cost of gasoline worldwide.

However, there were countries that were less affected due to different measures, such as Mexico, where a subsidy applied by the State kept gasoline prices relatively stable.

This subsidy is a stimulus to the Federal Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS), which directly influences the price of fuel and is determined by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

Costs can also be modified for reasons of logistics, i.e. transportation and storage. If fuel prices rise when transporting refined oil and gasoline in tankers or by ship, costs will increase.

Other factors that influence fuel prices are due to geographic location.

Source: infobae