Peter Pan arrives to Monterrey


The 2024-2025 Broadway season in Monterrey kicked off on the right foot, as the Showcenter Complex dressed up to receive the musical ‘Peter Pan,’ transporting adults back to their childhood and leaving the little ones amazed by the magic enjoyed on stage.

With a full live band and top-notch set design, the first performance began by taking us to Wendy’s room and her siblings, and later to the land of ‘Neverland.’ We journeyed through the cave of the lost boys and were even transported to Captain Hook’s ship.

The magic of this classic tale was certainly reflected on stage, as the audience witnessed Peter and his friends’ flight, along with a shadow dancer that left many wide-eyed.

This musical is presented in two acts, with the first lasting nearly an hour and a half, while the second was a bit faster but still carried the Broadway guarantee, totaling almost two and a half hours of performance.

Before the show, a red carpet was rolled out, where various influencers, singers, and even entrepreneurs paraded. Nacho Llantada from the group ‘Los Claxons’ was among them.

‘I love this story, and being able to enjoy it as if we were on Broadway is really exciting. Today, I’m here with my family to enjoy it,’ said the singer as he walked the red carpet.

Tatiana was another who graced the red carpet.

‘I identify with Peter Pan because I refuse to grow up,’ the singer said with a laugh.

Architect Eusebio Garza Mercado also walked the red carpet, where he was asked about his social commitment. Two children’s institutions were invited to enjoy the show, and he hinted at what might come in future seasons.

‘If we’re considering more musicals, in fact, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ might return to the lineup there, and it could be an excellent option to bring it, just like ‘Les Misérables,’’ Garza Mercado stated.

‘Peter Pan’ will be on stage at the Sampetrino venue until June 8th.”

Source: Telediario