Regularized chocolate cars in Nuevo León are being confiscated  


They assure that the Monterrey Civil Guard is also stopping cars legalized by the AMLO decree. 

After it became known that nationalized vehicles are being seized at customs at the international bridges in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Raúl Quintanilla de la Garza, representative of the Public Vehicular Registry module at this border, pointed out that the Monterrey Civil Guard is detaining motorists who nationalized their vehicles with the federal decree and are fined for not bringing the unit’s petition. 

He commented that there are five reports of cases that have called him to notify him of what is happening in Monterrey, they even want to extort them by asking for large amounts of money to let them continue their trip, but these people do not report for fear of reprisals. 

“In Monterrey they are going too far; the Civil Guard is requesting all vehicles to be nationalized that they must bring the petition, it is a lie, it is a lie, AMLO’s nationalization certificate is above anything, because it is a presidential decree,” he said. 

He recommended that if the elements of the Civil Guard detain the vehicle and take their documents, let them take the unit to the impound and file a complaint for theft or dispossession in the same agency of the Public Ministry where they detained their vehicle. 

He reported that citizens who have nationalized their vehicles with the federal decree must carry three very important documents to identify themselves and avoid being hassled; These are original circulation card, certificate of nationalization and proof of payment of the tax in copy. 

Regarding the crossing through Customs at the International Bridges, the administrator of these has already been discussed and told that all vehicles pass through, but it is necessary that they bring the three documents to prove their origin, it is also recommended that they carry damage insurance. 

Regularized chocolate cars in Nuevo León are being confiscated  

They assure that the Monterrey Civil Guard is also stopping cars legalized by the AMLO decree. 

Source: El Mañana